Permanently living in fight-or-flight is highly toxic. For most of us this mode seems very natural and familiar to the point that we don’t recognize it as something problematic or that could be different. Especially after traumatic events we become stuck in this mode. In fight or flight we don’t perceive the world as being […]
Archive for the
‘Allgemein’ Category
Thousands of years ago, shamans, mystics, yogis and daoists all over the world discovered the healing powers of breath. The breath is the bridge between mind and body, between physical and metaphysical, between conscious and unconscious. Most of the time we breathe unconsciously, we don’t need to be conscious to breathe. However, we can control […]
People are sometimes skeptical when dealing with energy healers and Shamans and ask how this integrates into our modern-day lives. Here is my way of seeing it: From an early age, we have been indoctrinated with beliefs and pretended knowledge that we all too easily internalize without reflection. In the name of civilization and progress […]
No matter what decision you take, if you want to board your healing journey with me or with someone else, make sure to choose the right person to trust and help you heal and upgrade your life. Make sure to work with someone who has done their own healing journey in a deep and profound […]